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Prof Charles Cardale Babington (23/11/1808 - 22/7/1895)

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Search results, herbarium specimens collected by Prof Charles Cardale Babington
Results 281 to 320 of 435
infoMentha spicata x suaveolens = M. x villosa var. alopecuroidesGB, NorfolkH KirbyCharles Cardale BabingtonCGE
infoMentha spicata x suaveolens = M. x villosa var. alopecuroidesGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, KillinCharles Cardale Babington31/7/1844CGE
infoMentha spicata x suaveolens = M. x villosa var. alopecuroidesGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, ArranBotanical Society of Edinburgh
Charles Cardale Babington
Thomas Blizzard Bell
infoMentha spicata x suaveolens = M. x villosa var. alopecuroidesGB, VC100 Clyde Islands, BrodickCharles Cardale Babington9/8/1842CGE
infoMertensia maritimaGB, VC90 Angus, UsanWilliam GardinerCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
William West
+Minuartia hybridaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CambridgeCharles Cardale Babington20/5/1836MANCH
+Minuartia hybridaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, FulbournCharles Cardale BabingtonJohn Hutton Balfour28/5/1836PTH
infoMinuartia hybrida subsp. tenuifoliaGB, VC16 West Kent, Borough GreenCharles Cardale BabingtonWilliam West8/6/1858BIRM
infoMinuartia hybrida subsp. tenuifoliaGB, VC28 West Norfolk, ThetfordCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West4/7/1848BIRM
+Moehringia trinerviaGB, VC39 Staffordshire, NeedwoodCharles Cardale BabingtonJohn Hutton Balfour13/6/1837PTH
infoNeottia nidus-avisGB, VC26 West Suffolk, HitchamSewellCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
William West
infoNymphoides peltataGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, ElyCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen WestBIRM
infoOenanthe GB, VC36 Herefordshire, RossWilliam Henry PurchasCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
William Henry Purchas
+Ononis reclinataGB, VC113 Channel Islands, AlderneyCharles Cardale BabingtonCharles Cardale Babington7/1838MANCH
infoOphrys insectiferaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, FulbournCharles Cardale Babington11/6/1858K
+Ornithopus pinnatusGB, VC113 Channel IslandsCharles Cardale BabingtonJohn Hutton Balfour1837PTH
+Ornithopus pinnatusGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Grand HavreCharles Cardale BabingtonJohn Hutton Balfour14/8/1847PTH
infoOrobanche picridisGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, CaldecoteCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoOxalis strictaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PenzanceCharles Cardale BabingtonBotanical Society of Edinburgh
Frederick Townsend
infoParietaria judaicaGB, VC28 West Norfolk, ThetfordWilliam Richardson LintonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Cardale Babington
William Richardson Linton
infoPetroselinum segetumGB, VC6 North Somerset, WoodspringCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoPhleum alpinumGB, VC90 Angus, ClovaAlexander Osmond BlackCharles Cardale Babington
William Hillhouse
infoPhyllodoce caeruleaGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Sow of AthollCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
Charles Cardale Babington
infoPhyteuma orbiculareGB, VC13 West Sussex, ShorehamCharles Cardale BabingtonCharles Bailey
Charles Cardale Babington
infoPinguicula grandifloraAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
Joseph Woods
Charles Cardale Babington
infoPoa alpinaGB, VC97 West Inverness-shire, Ben NevisCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoPoa balfouriiGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Clogwyn y GarneddCharles Cardale BabingtonCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
infoPoa balfouriiGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Clogwyn y GarneddCharles Cardale BabingtonCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
infoPoa balfouriiGB, VC68 North Northumberland, DunsdaleCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoPoa balfouriiGB, VC90 Angus, Glen IslaCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West6/8/1846BIRM
infoPoa balfouriiGB, VC99 Dunbartonshire, Ben VorlichCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoPoa bulbosaGB, VC3 South Devon, PlymouthCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
infoPoa nemoralisGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Twll DuCharles Cardale BabingtonCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
infoPoa pratensisGB, VC39 Staffordshire, EccleshallCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
infoPolygonum oxyspermumIE, VCH21 Co. Dublin, KillineyCharles Cardale BabingtonFrederick Townsend8/1835SLBI
infoPolygonum oxyspermumIE, VCH39 Co. Antrim, Red BayCharles Cardale BabingtonFrederick Townsend10/9/1852SLBI
infoPolypogon monspeliensisGB, VC16 West Kent, WoolwichW McIvorCharles Cardale Babington
George Stephen West
William West
infoPolypogon monspeliensisGB, VC27 East Norfolk, CleyCharles Cardale BabingtonBotanical Society of Edinburgh
Charles Cardale Babington
infoPolypogon monspeliensisGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Guernsey,Braye du ValleCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West
infoPotamogeton berchtoldiiGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, GamlingayCharles Cardale BabingtonGeorge Stephen West
William West

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