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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 961 to 1000 of 15925
infoArbutus unedoIE, Kerry, KillarneyU. C. W. Field Course3/1972ABS
infoArctium lappaGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, BuckinghamH S EdwardsWilliam Hunt Painter8/1877ABS
infoArctium lappaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, UpwareRichard Henry Yapp30/7/1898ABS
infoArctium lappaGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1862ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC6 North Somerset, Abbots LeighWilliam Hunt Painter18/9/1882ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC12 North Hampshire, AmportHenry Haselfoot Haines8/1885ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC16 West Kent, Dartford MarshesPenelope J Gardner28/9/1962ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC16 West Kent, WellingJanet P Wise30/8/1962ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC30 Bedfordshire, LutonS K Palmer28/8/1963ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, WaunarlwyddAnona Lake8/1959ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC43 Radnorshire, Llandrindod WellsWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1899ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, AberystwythO J B7/1961ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, AberWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter8/1886ABS
infoArctium minusGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Nant FfranconWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter12/7/1889ABS
infoArctium nemorosumWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoArctium nemorosum CultivatedArthur BennettWilliam Hunt Painter1889ABS
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC38 Warwickshire, BrandonJohn (Joannis) FraserJohn (Joannis) Fraser
William Hunt Painter
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC38 Warwickshire, HoningtonFrederick TownsendWilliam Hunt Painter9/1880ABS
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC38 Warwickshire, HoningtonFrederick TownsendBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hunt Painter
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC52 Anglesey, Bodorgan StationJohn Edwards GriffithWilliam Hunt Painter8/1893ABS
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC70 Cumberland, RosleyRobert WoodWilliam Hunt Painter9/1879ABS
infoArctium nemorosumGB, VC109 Caithness, ReayWilliam Richardson LintonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Richardson Linton
infoArctostaphylos uva-ursiGB, VC90 Angus, Glen EskSmith4/1865ABS
infoArenaria ciliataWilliam Hunt Painter8/1882ABS
infoArenaria ciliataIE, VCH28 Co. Sligo, BenbulbenFrederick Janson HanburyFrederick Janson Hanbury
William Hunt Painter
infoArenaria ciliataIE, VCH28 Co. Sligo, Kings MountainSamuel Alexander StewartBotanical Exchange Club
William Hunt Painter
infoArenaria gothicaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, RibbleheadWalter Waters ReevesBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Walter Waters Reeves
William Hunt Painter
infoArenaria gothicaGB, VC64 Mid-west Yorkshire, RibbleheadRachel Ford ThompsonF P Thompson
Rachel Ford Thompson
infoArenaria norvegicaGB, VC112 Shetland, UnstWilliam Hadden BeebyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hunt Painter
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC6 North Somerset, ClevedonWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter20/6/1882ABS
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC13 West Sussex, ClimpingHenry Haselfoot Haines29/6/1888ABS
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC16 West Kent, Charlton10/1879ABS
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC18 South Essex, Shoebury CommonAnthony Hurt Wolley DodAnthony Hurt Wolley Dod
William Hunt Painter
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC19 North Essex, BrundonPhilip Scarborough KingPhilip Scarborough King5/9/1882ABS
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC24 Buckinghamshire, High WycombeWilliam Hunt Painter6/1865ABS
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC29 Cambridgeshire, Devil's DykeRichard Henry Yapp1/8/1901ABS
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, PennardWilliam Richardson LintonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hunt Painter
William Moyle Rogers
William Richardson Linton
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC44 Carmarthenshire, PembreyHarry Joseph RiddelsdellHarry Joseph Riddelsdell
William Hunt Painter
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Ynyslas DunesM Hildred Bigwood7/1972ABS
infoArenaria serpyllifoliaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlandudnoAugustin LeyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Hunt Painter

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Searched in 1.546s