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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 281 to 320 of 15925
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, RhydypennauGareth M Evans12/8/1961ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Ynyslas DunesM Hildred Bigwood7/1972ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, AberdaronJune Wilding4/8/1961ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, ConwayCharles Smith NicholsonCharles Smith Nicholson30/7/1910ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, Great Orme's HeadWilliam Hunt Painter7/1868ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, LlandudnoABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, PencaenewyddR L GriffithR L Griffith1/8/1961ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC57 Derbyshire, ShirleyWilliam Richardson LintonBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
William Richardson Linton
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, AinsdaleCharles BaileyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles
Charles Bailey
Edward Hackel
Edward Shearburn Marshall
1/8/1892 to 20/8/1892ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC59 South Lancashire, SouthportCharles BaileyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles27/8/1892ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC60 West Lancashire, FleetwoodJames Alfred WheldonJames Alfred Wheldon7/8/1901ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, PerthshireJohn Firminger DuthieABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC111 Orkney, Sanday IslandWilliam Irvine Fortescue28/7/1890ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaGB, VC113 Channel Islands, Jersey, Saint Aubyn's BayAugustin LeyBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles21/7/1885ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaIE, VCH40 Co. Londonderry, Toom BridgeGeorge Claridge DruceCharles Edgar Salmon1898ABS
infoAgrostis stoloniferaIE, VCH40 Co. Londonderry, Toom BridgeGeorge Claridge DruceGeorge Claridge Druce8/1898ABS
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisYork CultivatedHarold Stuart Thompson9/1900ABS
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisGB, VC9 Dorset, LittleseaEdward Francis LintonEdward Francis Linton27/8/1889ABS
infoAgrostis stolonifera x Polypogon monspeliensis = x Agropogon littoralisGB, VC18 South Essex, Canvey Island1879ABS
infoAgrostis vinealisGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Allt Crug GarnAndrew David Quentin Agnew9/7/1998ABS
infoAgrostis vinealisGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, allt ty camAndrew David Quentin Agnew2/7/1999ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, Isles of Scilly,TrescoD A J Little6/1963ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC1 West Cornwall, PorthRichard Henry Yapp6/1902ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC2 East Cornwall, LuxulyanRichard Henry Yapp20/6/1902ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC4 North Devon, BrauntonFiona M Audus21/6/1967ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC16 West Kent, Keston CommonEyre Champion de Crespigny1884ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC16 West Kent, Tunbridge WellsAsplandWilliam Hunt PainterABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC26 West Suffolk, CavenhamLeslie John Audus1936ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC38 Warwickshire, Leek WoottonHenry BromwichBotanical Exchange Club of The British Isles6/1884ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Port-Eynon PointLeslie John Audus26/6/1937ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Rhossili Down29/6/1937ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC41 Glamorganshire, Worms HeadPhilip Frank Wareing7/1949ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC42 Breconshire, DarrenL H Davies21/9/1961ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, Aberystwyth5/1922ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC46 Cardiganshire, AberystwythWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter2/7/1908ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, ArthogCharles Smith NicholsonCharles Smith Nicholson28/6/1902ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC48 Merionethshire, DolgellauCharles Smith Nicholson27/6/1902ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC49 Caernarvonshire, BangorWilliam Hunt Painter6/1879ABS
infoAira caryophylleaGB, VC69 Westmorland, BarbonWilliam Hunt PainterWilliam Hunt Painter7/1902ABS
infoAira caryophyllea subsp. multicaulisGB, VC17 Surrey, MilfordS S U15/6/1894ABS

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