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Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. "Whorled Solomon's-seal"

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Search results, herbarium specimens
Results 1 to 31 of 31
+Polygonatum verticillatumEyre Champion de CrespignyCharles Bailey
Eyre Champion de Crespigny
infoPolygonatum verticillatum CultivatedRobert Large Baker5/1874BIRM
infoPolygonatum verticillatumAllan Octavian HumeAllan Octavian Hume
Frederick Townsend
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC17 Surrey, Norwood CultivatedWilliam Henry GriffinAllan Octavian HumeSLBI
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC23 Oxfordshire, Oxford CultivatedRobert Large Baker9/6/1878BIRM
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC61,VC62,VC64, York CultivatedHenry Baines
John Gilbert Baker
George Stephen West1854BIRM
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC87 West Perthshire, Dunkeld (W of)John Bland Wood1846MANCH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid PerthshireHenry Maurice Drummond-HayCharles Bailey22/7/1874MANCH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Aberfeldy,KeltneyburnJohn Norton MillsJohn Norton Mills19/6/1965MANCH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, DunkeldFrancis Buchanan White17/6/1886PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, DunkeldFrancis Buchanan White17/6/1886PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, DunkeldFrancis Buchanan White6/1872PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, InverFrancis Buchanan White3/6/1882PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney BurnDonald A Haggart28/9/1915PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney BurnDonald A Haggart28/9/1915PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney BurnDonald A Haggart1913PTH
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney BurnKnoxIsaac A Helsby9/7/1929SLBI
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney BurnEdward Charles Wallace
Robert MacKechnie
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney Burn at Garth CastleDouglas Montague HeathDouglas Montague Heath30/7/1930BIRM
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney Burn at Garth CastleDouglas Montague Heath
Gambier Parry
Douglas Montague Heath16/7/1931BIRM
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, Keltney Burn at Garth CastleDouglas Montague HeathDouglas Montague Heath17/8/1927
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, PerthWilliam GardinerCharles Bailey
John Wilson Rimington
Spencer Henry Bickham
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC88 Mid Perthshire, River Tay23/6/1867PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Allt GirnaigJames BrebnerFrancis Buchanan White7/1884PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Allt GirnaigFrancis Buchanan White5/7/1890PTH
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Black Water at Strone BridgeHenry Maurice Drummond-HayAugustin Ley2/7/1874BIRM
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Craighall26/8/1882PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, CraighallHenry Maurice Drummond-Hay2/7/1874PTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, CraighallFrancis Buchanan WhitePTH
+Polygonatum verticillatumGB, VC89 East Perthshire, Glen ErichtAbram Sturrock23/7/1885PTH
infoPolygonatum verticillatumGB, Mid-East Perthshire, PerthHenry Maurice Drummond-Hay16/6/1877SLBI

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Herbaria specimen data is the property of its contributing organisation. Please contact that organisation directly for information concerning conditions of use, copyright or any other enquiry.

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